God has used Glenn & Emily to cultivate healthy cultures & passionate followers of Christ for over 25 years. They planted Judah Church, located in Charlotte NC, in April, 2012, and serve as the Lead Pastors. Their desire to see the Kingdom of God expanded, is evident within the all the various ministries of Judah Church. Judah is sharing God’s power & love through reaching thousands weekly within the online community, and over 1 million weekly with their radio broadcast, reaching more than 108 nations. Additionally, they are leading a movement of the Spirit of God to the next generation by touching thousands in their annual Youth Conference, called Shabbach. They, also, have a network of more than 300 churches and ministries with whom they train and partner, called Judah International Alliance.
Their purpose is to raise up men and women of every age, every generation & every ethnicity - into people of God, who are Praise-focused, Christ-centered, and Kingdom-Advancing followers of Christ is evident in all they serve. Glenn & Emily both hold a Bachelor's of Science in Christian Education. Glenn's minors are in Bible and Music, while Emily's are in Bible and Psychology. Their passion to disciple, develop & deploy leaders for His kingdom, can be seen in all they are connected to.
Including their family, which, they have brought along the journey and are all serving God through Judah.