Realities are undeniable. We recognize that we all experience real challenges as we journey through life. And yet, another reality exists. Heaven on Earth. Judah Church aims to be a place where our reality and the reality of Heaven collide. We accomplish this through authentic praise and worship of a real God who loved us enough to enter our reality through Jesus so that He can pull us all into His reality of Heaven. We testify to this reality through faith in the Word of God and through our very real encounters of Him throughout our real lives.
Life without relationships is no life at all. And our most important relationship is the one we have with Jesus. After all, He promises life to it's fullest for all who would believe in Him. So how do we get there? For starters, we read His word. The truth is, without His word, we live life our own way but when we live His way, then and only then can we experience the life He has promised us. Secondly, we intentionally foster our own relationship with Jesus and encourage one another to do the same. In other words, life without a relationship with Jesus is no life at all.
Our desire is to assist people in moving forward regardless of the past. We can only do that with the help of God through faith in Jesus as well as like minded believers. As we move forward in these relationships, a few things happen. One, we grow and mature, and two, we advance the 'Kingdom of God'. So whether we're students, working a job, a stay at home parent, or find ourselves at the grocery store or running a marathon, every aspect of our life can generate an awareness of the reality of the Kingdom of God. This is moving forward.